Welcome to the Chill Factor

A 4-week program to empower busy, stressed-out, professional women with tools to free themselves from old emotional wounds, get control of stressful thoughts and feelings and swing the pendulum back to mental, physical & spiritual balance. 

If you have already started down a path of self-healing and it's time to up the ante, come home to your new sanctuary!

It's not just "All in Your Head"

Those old emotional wounds are not just mental baggage. They're the invisible anchors dragging you down every day. From family dynamics to personal battles, they're the silent disruptors of your peace. And let's be real – talk therapy and a green smoothie isn't going to heal deep-rooted issues.

What's it All About?

  • Energy Realignment: Learn when and how to hit pause on life's chaos. Discover quick, effective techniques to realign your energy and regain control.
  • Sound Therapy Meditation: Experience the transformative power of sound with info and a guided session that will leave you feeling relaxed and rebalanced.
  • Nutritional Mood Support: Dive into nutrition strategies that do more than just fill your belly. They'll stabilize your mood and lift your spirit.
  • Herbal Allies & Supplements: Get the lowdown on vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are your secret weapons against stress and anxiety.

Sound Therapy

Sound has a powerful effect on our bodies and minds - it can be used for deep relaxation, letting go of blockages and so much more....


Explore meditation and breathing techniques that can help you stay calm and centered, even in the midst of complete chaos

Energy Resets

Learn really simple exercises that can be done at your desk or even during your commute, to help you feel more energized, focused & connected

Space is Limited & Time is Tight

Decrease Stress - Find Peace - Increase Your Happiness Quotient

New Class Starts October 30th - Reserve your Seat Today!

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The Chill Factor

The Chill Factor 4 week Program

297.00 USD

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